- 1981
The initial 3 acres of land on which Premier Academy originally sat were allocated to the then Premier Club Management in 1981. This marked the first step in a long successful journey.
- 1982
In 1982 a walk was organized to raise funds to start construction. Unfortunately, not enough funds were raised. This did not, however, discourage the founder members.

- 1987
Renewed efforts were made to raise more funds and on May, 10th 1987, the foundation was laid.

- 1989
The construction took two years and on September, 18th 1989, Premier Academy opened its doors to the first intake of 35 students. These students were spread across years 1 to 9 – all accommodated in the one-storied complex that now forms a section of the second block. From its inception, the Academy started offering the British National Curriculum. The second floor was to be added later.

- 1992
The Academy recorded tremendous growth in a short time. In 1992 the ‘A’ level stream was started simultaneously with the construction of an ultra-modern block to accommodate the Primary section.
- 1997
In 1997, the Primary section moved to the new block.

- 2000
The Board of Trustees and Governors soon realized that the Primary School needed a feeder school. For this cause the construction of the Kindergarten commenced in 2000

- 2001
In 2001 the Kindergarten admitted its first intake of students. Today the Academy runs from KG to ‘A’ Level. It has a population of over 1000 students and over 100 teachers.
The tireless efforts of the Boards of Trustees, and Governors, the continued support and trust of the parents in the Academy and the hard work of the teachers and students have borne fruits. The Academy has become a giant in academics and co-curricular activities in Africa and the world, an inspiration that drives it to greater heights.