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Welcome to Prep School

Jacob Odhiambo
Jacob Odhiambo - Head of Prep School

Welcome to Premier Academy Prep School where we nurture the seeds planted at our Kindergarten section.

The Prep School plays a crucial role in the growth of a child, for it is here that children discover and grow their talents, in and out of class. From the exceptional artists to the roaring musicians to the dashing athletes to the nerdy quiz wizards, the Prep School not only offers the necessary conducive environment for talent to be explored, but also sharpens these talents to the levels of each individual.

At the core of this exciting exploration for students, is the commitment by an affectionate and passionate team of staff members who understand that “humans come first” and at the center of Premier Academy is the acceptance and treatment of any student as a human being.

The Total Education approach where a child is treated as whole and not parts, has seen students excel in academics, sports and extracurricular activities and in pastoral matters of discipline, respect, integrity issues.

We are proud that at the end of six years, our students move on to the secondary section as fulfilled human beings.

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The primary section caters for boys and girls, aged between 5½-l0½ years of age. At present, there are approximately 480 children on roll. We have eighteen classrooms, an ICT Suite, a library, a music room, an art room, a lunch hall, a learning support room, and 2 conference rooms.

The first two years in primary school [Key Stage 1] set the foundation for primary education based on the British National Curriculum. Years 3 to 6 make up Key Stage 2.  At the end of Year 6, the students do the Cambridge International Checkpoint Exam which serves as a benchmark for entry into secondary school.

Teachers are responsible for the children’s welfare and delivery of the curriculum. Work is planned by teachers who draw on their expertise, knowledge, and experience to ensure work is relevant and suited to the needs of the children.  The emphasis is on developing skills and teaching them how to improve their own learning while at the same time living harmoniously with others.

We believe extra-curricular activities play a very important role in the all-round development of young people.  We, therefore, offer a variety of activities for our students to join and enjoy during the school day and after school.

There is an expectation of high standards of personal behavior and respect for others which we expect parents to encourage and support. Our expectations are clearly outlined in our Discipline and Homework policies.

The British National Curriculum forms the basis of the education in the Primary School where Years 1 and 2 make up Key Stage 1, and Years 3 to 6 make up Key Stage 2.  At the end of Year 6, the students sit for the Cambridge International Checkpoint Exam which is a recognized benchmark for entry into secondary school.

For each subject in the curriculum, there is a programme of study, outlining the subject, knowledge, and skills that the pupils have to develop at each stage. There are frequent checks and balances on the progress of pupils, which are regularly communicated to their parents.

Throughout the curriculum, we equip our children with the academic, personal and social learning skills needed for the fast-changing world that they’ll be living and working in.  We do this within the happy, structured and nurturing environment of the primary school.

Key Stage 1

Moving from kindergarten to primary school at the tender age of 5½ years can be daunting. However, the warmth of their reception into primary school soon allays their fears; and we are often told how the children hate missing even a day of school.

Key Stage 2

The transition into Year 3 is made at the age of 7½ years when children are independent and ready for the challenges of a more demanding curriculum including learning new languages like French and Spanish.

At the end of Year 6, at the age of 11½ years, our students are equipped with the basic skills ready to face the rigours of High School.

For each subject in the curriculum, there is a programme of study, outlining the subject, knowledge and skills that the pupils have to develop at each stage. There are regular assessments to monitor the progress of pupils, the schedules of which are communicated to their parents.

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Drama and Music

At Premier Prep school, we have a strong tradition of drama and music which develops children’s performance skills. In the school choir, children have great fun learning to work with each other and singing together.

Class assemblies held every Friday provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents in the form of skits in an exciting atmosphere.

In addition, a musical and a nativity play are staged every year by children of Year 6 and Year 2 respectively. Recent productions of the musical include Rats, Hansel & Gretel, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat and Aladdin.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral lessons are part of our curriculum. We desire to inculcate moral values in our students and this makes our students stand out in discipline and grooming. Each month has a pastoral theme that students reflect on as they go about their daily routine.

Each week begins with Cluster Assembly on Monday where Pastoral theme is emphasized.

Cambridge CEM Assessment

Prep School Students from Year One to Six get an opportunity to sit for CEM-InCAS Assessment every year. This is a powerful psychometric assessment tool that provides valuable information to students, teachers and parents.

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Exams

Students at Premier Academy sit for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Exams to mark the end of their Prep School journey. The diagnostic exam gives the students, parents and teachers an opportunity to check the level of skills acquisition in Mathematics, English and Science.


Life skills or just a hobby? We have these in clubs and activities.


Prep School holds whole school assemblies every Friday. Assemblies offer a special opportunity for students to showcase their skills and talents in Music, Art and Drama among other fields. Various clubs also get opportunities to participate in assemblies. We celebrate our cultural diversity.

Morning Welcome Band

Monday and Wednesday mornings are indeed extra-ordinary. Our Prep School Choir, led by the Music and Drama Teachers, present melodious tunes to welcomes students.

Modern Foreign Languages

Prep School gives students from Year Four an opportunity to choose between French and Spanish as a subject within the Modern Foreign Languages. Kiswahili is offered as a compulsory subject from Year 1-6. Students also participate in MFL celebrations in a weeklong event scheduled within the academic year.

Art Exhibition

This is one of our signature events. We have young talented artists here!

Sporting Activities

Prep School students are exposed to a number of sporting activities. Ball games, swimming and athletics are some of the activities that students are exposed to. Every year, students at the Prep School take part in Sports Day, Swimming gala, Triathlon/Aquathlon/Cross-country as annual events. Students also participate in Interschool nonsporting activities like Spelling Bees, Art Competitions, Science Fairs among others. Have you heard of Duathlon? Our students participate in racing and riding event. A thrilling sports event that students look foward to.

Swimming Gala

Under 7, Under 9 and Under 11 swimmers in action! Nurturing upcoming professional swimmers.


We hosted the historic flag-off of the Cambridge University Press sustainability awareness Road Trip from Nairobi to Cape Town on Tuesday 16 January 2024.


A sense of community is one of our school’s Core Values. We always reach out to the less fortunate in the society.

Zippy’s Friend, Apple’s Friend and Passport (ZAP) programmes

We take care of the socio-emotional needs of our learners through the ZAP programmes.


Prep School has a vibrant scouting club which is a member of the Kenya Scouts Association. Scout members participate in scouting drills, camps among other activities. The young scouts in action. Ready to serve!

Live Streaming of Events at Prep

Lots of exciting events happen at Prep School. You can always catch us live on our Facebook page!

Other Activities

Children take part in other activities such as inter-house quizzes, scouting, fancy dress competitions and fun learning activities that are done every Friday afternoon.  All these are geared towards proving an extramural fun learning environment that enhances holistic development of the child.

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Prep School Highlights